Professional services firms are increasingly facing disruptive threats from data analytics solutions. Consider, for example, new pricing analytics software that gives operating companies real-time access to revenue transparency – and no longer requires them to hire a team of management consultants for months to re-crunch their sales data in Excel. Or, take new predictive project […]… Read More

This summer’s movie season kicked off with a dramatic prediction from Steven Spielberg, who lambasted Hollywood for its over-reliance on its “tentpole” business model supported by superheroes, gunfights, and special effects: “There’s going to be an implosion where three or four or maybe a half-dozen mega budget movies are going to go crashing into the […]… Read More

Innosight’s Tim Gustafson and Dan Fink talk the big data hype and how can you overcome the hype and complexity to craft a growth strategy focused on the right data opportunities.… Read More

One of the safest bets in the corporate world is that a splashy acquisition will end up disappointing. You won’t make money every time you take that bet — Google’s purchase of Android sure paid off, for instance — but the successes are more than balanced by disasters like the merger of AOL and Time […]… Read More

The other day I watched my first episode of Mad Men. I’m a little late to the game, I know, but that’s what having Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Comcast on Demand are for. The irony of using anytime, commercial-free media to watch advertisers work in a world with only three television channels got me thinking about […]… Read More

When should incumbents be afraid — very afraid? At the moment that a disruptive innovation crosses into the mainstream market and establishes itself as a viable competitor, the third stage in a disruptive innovation’s life cycle. You might think a response at this late phase would be too late — but there are still ways […]… Read More