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Industrials across a range of sectors are experiencing disruptive change and uncertainty like never before. How do we harness the power of artificial intelligence? How do we transform from being a provider of products to building solutions? What changes do we need to make to deliver on sustainability mandates?

In this environment, a “future-back” approach to strategy development is a powerful tool for optimizing your current operations and seizing future opportunities. Future-back is about developing a view of the new and different world ahead and then walking it back to a portfolio of initiatives that can be progressed today. Future-back strategy is helpful for a range of strategic challenges — reinventing the core business, developing a disruptive solution, or addressing a macro-trend like digital.

In this on-demand webcast, Innosight’s Ned Calder and Anna Veatch explore the core tenets of future back strategy and how companies can begin to incorporate it into the planning:

  • How companies can evaluate which disruptive technologies will matter to them – and how they can capitalize on them for growth
  • Why getting leadership alignment is so elusive yet important – and approaches for making sure your team has a shared understanding of where your company needs to go in the future
  • How you can use “strategic opportunity areas” to focus your future growth investments
  • Case studies of real-world impact