Sustainable growth, like innovation, is a complex challenge requiring a systematic approach to balance short-term gains with long-term social and environmental impact. In this engaging conversation moderated by Ned Calder, Scott D. Anthony, Kelsey Beuning, and Claudia Pardo unpack insights from our chapter in the new book Driving Sustainable Innovation – a Project Management Institute and Thinkers50 collaboration – including how organizations can break the “paradox” of sustainable growth. Drawing on success factors and learnings from leading organizations, they explore:

  • Defining a Common Language: Establish a clear, organization-wide understanding of sustainable development, with categories of activities based on strategic intent and impact.
  • Developing Enablers: Set measurable sustainability targets, assign responsibility to senior leaders, and embed sustainability into management processes and company culture.
  • Launching Demonstration Projects: Start small with several sustainable initiatives, celebrating successes and pivoting from those that don’t.
  • Leadership Focus: Shift leadership’s focus toward sustainability as a driver of growth and long-term success, not just as a series of trade-offs.

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