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Join Innosight and global health and biopharma leaders at this inaugural event dedicated to exploring the business models and technologies that will unlock the potential of disease interception. Featuring a special session with Josh Suskewicz: “Harnessing Disruptive Innovation to Catalyze Systemic Change.”

Our Delegates
Shari Pavarandeh
Associate Partner

Thiemo Werner
Associate Partner

Biopharma Insights
The Next Era of Biopharma Innovation

Medical technology, doctor use AI robots for diagnosis, care, and increasing accuracy patient treatment in future. Medical research and development innovation technology to improve patient health.

Advances in biological understanding and life science technology have brought a new era of innovation for the biopharmaceutical industry. This new era promises enormous benefits to humanity with more personalized solutions and presents a major opportunity for industry incumbents.

Fostering Customer-Centricity in the New Pharmaceutical Company

Shot of a pharmacist assisting a mature woman

For decades, pharmaceutical companies pursued a simple strategy that yielded growth and margins that executives in most other industries could only dream of. But over the past 20 years, things have gotten more complicated. To win in the marketplace today, pharmaceutical companies should consider the customer needs they can already address, and other ways they can create value.

Lead From the Future

3D book mockup of "Lead from the Future" by Mark W. Johnson and Josh Suskewicz on light blue background.

Our award-winning book explores how a “future-back” approach to visioning and strategy equips organizational leaders to look beyond a typical short-term planning horizon and grasp the challenges and opportunities that will define the future.

3 Business Models that Could Bring Million-Dollar Cures to Everyone


As $1 million dollar, one-time treatments hit the market, industry leaders face a stark choice. These treatments could save or change lives, but they come at an unprecedented cost. As their use grows, breakthrough business models will become more important to jump-start new markets and cure more patients.