Innosight’s eighth annual executive summit brought together leaders from the world’s top organizations to explore challenges critical to innovation and growth. Led by Harvard Business School professor and Innosight cofounder Clay Christensen, along with strategy author and Columbia Business School professor Rita Gunther McGrath, the one-day event convened in August 2016 at our Business Design Lab in Lexington, Massachusetts.

A month later, we held our first European Summit in Berlin.

At each event, CEOs and senior executives from companies such as Aetna, Bayer, Boeing, Ford, Johnson & Johnson, MasterCard, Solvay and Steelcase shared perspectives on how to make innovation more reliable, and how leaders can take a long-term perspective on growth. Issues at the top of the agenda included:

  1. Cracking the growth challenge with jobs to be done
  2. Achieving discovery-driven growth
  3. The role of leaders in overcoming resistance to change

Learn more about takeaway insights, highlights and discussion questions that you can use to help overcome barriers at your organization.

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