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The greatest source of untapped energy is the innovation potential that exists inside organizations around the world.
Leaders have tried countless ways to liberate and harness this energy – treks to Silicon Valley, global contests, corporate accelerators, huge investments in innovation capabilities. Yet most organizations would admit they have struggled to create truly innovative cultures.
That’s why we wrote this book. Eat, Sleep, Innovate lays out a system level way to encourage and enable people to think and act beyond the status quo. We believe success requires focusing on changing people’s daily habits – and then making sure they stick and scale.
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Drawing on groundbreaking research into habit change and organizational culture, we share the tools, the language, and inspiration your organization needs to overcome obstacles and empower individuals and teams to be their most curious and creative – every single day.
Thinkers50 2021 Distinguished Achievement Awards
The authors of Eat, Sleep, Innovate have been shortlisted for the Thinkers50 Innovation Award. This award recognizes the thinker who has contributed the most to our understanding of innovation in every sphere over the last two years.
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Our new video breaks down why BEANs are so effective at making behavior change stick and scale. Thanks to Thumbs Up Concepts, who helped inspire us to break out of the status quo and experiment with a new and playful approach to an explainer video. Watch, enjoy, and share!