Disruptive change is accelerating, and companies today face more ambiguity than ever before. But with ambiguity comes opportunity. Business leaders equipped to act in the face of uncertainty can build paths to growth that have not yet been imagined.

Traditional approaches to strategy and growth are insufficient to meet the challenge. Most strategy consulting firms analyze the past to predict the future. They are facing the wrong way.

Innosight looks at the world differently. We’re in the future business. As the leading expert on disruptive innovation and strategic transformation, we bring a unique set of lenses to growth strategy. We help business leaders develop deep insights into the needs of tomorrow’s customers, align around a shared vision of the future, and then create the organizational momentum to get there. Our approach to innovation consulting is collaborative, and our clients tell us we change the way they think about and see the world, enabling them to do things they could never do before. We build capability, not dependence.

Focused on Growth, Guided by Values

Our innovation consulting approach and methodologies go beyond traditional analytic consulting approaches. Innovation Consulting will help you discover the unknown – and identify and leverage opportunities and markets that don’t yet exist. This focus enables us to bring deep expertise, experience, judgment, and pattern recognition to growth problems.

We obsess about delivering impact. Our goal is the same as yours – creating tangible business results. We leave you with the organizational structure, process, and skills to continue to grow over the long haul.

Our values – including humility, collaboration, transparency, and intellectual curiosity – guide our work with clients, with each other, and our commitment to enabling innovation in organizations.

Starting with cofounder Clay Christensen’s classic book The Innovator’s Dilemma, Innosight has shown pioneering thought leadership. Our partners and network of collaborators continue to advance the understanding and practice of innovation through books, Harvard Business Review articles, and other stories that break new ground in innovation strategy.

What is Innovation Strategy?

For Innosight, innovation strategy means taking a “future back” approach to growth. Rather than moving reactively to events, innovation strategy requires understanding disruptive trends and the implications they have for your business. It requires identifying high-potential opportunities for growth, and pursuing groundbreaking ideas to accelerate that growth through business model innovation.

Innovation strategy also seeks to address and rectify misalignment of ideas throughout senior leadership and recognizes the importance of working proactively to do so before moving any further forward with new strategies.

With Innosight, innovation strategy also involves cultivating a “jobs to be done” mindset — a theory also developed and coined by our cofounder Clayton Christensen — as a more effective, customer-centric approach to the marketplace and future opportunities.

All of this is what makes Innosight truly unique. Our innovation consulting techniques allow organizations to take the reins while developing a shared view of future aspirations and putting together a detailed plan for how to go about achieving them.